July News

GEN CON 2024
Buckle up, the best four days in gaming are almost here! Or, for our fellow exhibitors, it's more like the most exhausting and rewarding 7-day sprint in gaming! And we wouldn't have it any other way.
We're really going for it at this year's show -- new games for sale, new games to preview, new games to demo, and a Gen Con official charity partner to boot!
First, a quick stroll...
Was that fun? It took me waaaay too long to make. Ok, let's get into the more important details.
At Our Booth #255 (Exhibit Hall)
I don't want to spoil it, so I'll just say the booth will look very on-theme. If you didn't back a copy of Wild Gardens, this will be the earliest you can snag a copy and accessories (and plushies!) before it hits retail later in August. Booth visitors will also be the FIRST to snag a copy of our new game Turnip before it hits retail in September!
In the BIPOC Lounge (Rooms 240/241)
It's a BIG year for the Rose Gauntlet Foundation at Gen Con! Beyond the regular hours of the lounge, the foundation will also be hosting a BIPOC Industry Networking event Friday evening. Follow the foundation on Twitter and Instagram for more details.
In Diana Jones Awards Room (Hall C)
Oh boy, this one is pretty exciting. We have this giant roguelite campaign game called Gone to Gaia coming soon that we've been pretty tight-lipped about, and YOU can be the first to demo it! Designer Quinn Brander will run multiple sessions through the week that you can sign up for here.
At Backerkit Booth #359 (Exhibit Hall)
And on a final thrilling note, we will be running exclusive early playthroughs of The Birds Series (launching this fall) at the Backerkit booth Thursday from 12-2 pm ET. This will be the only scheduled public appearance of The Birds Series games at Gen Con, so if you're interested swing on by to play!
Whew, ok, that's a lot of stuff. We're so pumped for this year's show and can't wait to share it with you all. See you soon!
Turnip Designer Diary
Want to know more about this little Turnip game we keep going on and on about? Check out this very neat (and timely) designer diary from Turnip Game Designer Ken Jenkins, featuring some really cool insight into his process and how a game like this comes to life.
Personally, I found the moment of inspiration for the game coming in the shower to be very relatable. I'm pretty sure (don't fact-check me) that every good creative idea arrives while taking long showers, long car rides, and long walks.
Read a Stranger's Diary (You Creep)
Introducing New Team Member: Josh McCurry
Ok, so this is weird, because I'm actually writing an introduction about myself (Scooby-Doo reveal! I'm, the one you've been reading all this time! Mwahaha!). It feels a bit like being at a dinner party and going up to someone and saying:
Me: Hi there, can I introduce you to my friend Josh?
Also Me: Hi, thanks for the intro Josh....umm...I'm also Josh?
That's just one too many Josh's for my taste.
Anywho, here are some quick hits about myself.
- Name: Josh McCurry, but you can call me J-Man (kidding, please don't)
- Title: Chief Customer Officer (a fancy way to say sales, marketing, and generally being the voice of the customer)
- Hobbies: Playing co-op games with my wife, annoying my cat, video games, basketball, football, movie buff (not in a pretentious way I hope?)
- Favorite Games: Every Rose Gauntlet game? Ok, ok, also War of the Ring (I'll never quit you), Hive (perfect travel companion), Arkham Card Game, Ashes, Oathsworn -- alright, let's start this relationship on an honest note, really any card game or big box campaign game (obviously can't wait for Gone to Gaia).
I've spent the last couple of years at Rose Gauntlet in the shadows (not that dramatic) working part-time while also being full-time elsewhere before exclusively becoming Isaac and LIndsey's full-time problem here at Rose Gauntlet this past June.
I've worked in marketing for well over a decade, but this is my first foray into the gaming industry. So far it's been great, though now that I can be dedicated to this space exclusively, I'm really looking forward to meeting way more of you and having way more energy to give to this community!
If you've read all the way down here, then wow that's pretty cool. Thanks for your support and if you have any questions, suggestions, or want to reach out to us, please don't hesitate to email contact@rosegauntlet.com or message us on socials!
I bought the game Turnip at GenCon. I have searched the rules high and low and there is no mention of how cards go into your stash. I want to know how the stash works